God Loves a Cheerful Giver

January 15, 2023
What does it mean that God loves a cheerful giver? Why is giving a blessing to us? How can we become cheerful givers?

Discerning God’s Call

January 1, 2023
John Dixon does a great job walking us through various Scriptures that detail how God calls Christians to serve Him.

God With Us

December 25, 2022
"It was not a silent night; there was blood on the ground. You could hear a woman crying in the alleyway that night in the streets of David's town" (Andrew…
Ornaments, trees, lights, and presents. Each December, reminders of Christmas are everywhere. But what exactly are we supposed to remember at Christmas?

Humble Undershepherds

December 11, 2022
Today we take a look at the biblical qualifications to be an elder in the church, as well as why a plurality of elders is vitally important for the long-term…

Turning Points

December 4, 2022
As we celebrate Grace Fellowship's one year anniversary, we've come to the turning point in the Gospel of John. May our gracious God and Father always find our hearts soft,…
In 2021, Harvard Health published a study on the effects of gratitude on health. The study revealed a strong connection between thankfulness and happiness.
“I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice?” (Till We Have Faces by…